
5 Explosive WWE backstage meetings: Vince McMahon threatens Superstars, Brock Lesnar says he can't do it anymore

Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman, and Vince McMahon
Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman, and Vince McMahon

Becoming a WWE Superstar isn't the be-all and end-all of one's career. After finally making it to WWE, a wrestler does their very best to stay on the top and impress the higher-ups enough to have a spot secured for them for a long time to come. This has given rise to heated arguments and discussions between WWE Superstars and Vince McMahon on various occasions in the past.

Vince McMahon has always been a controversial on-air personality, and things aren't much different when we look at what happens behind the scenes. Be it a push, a character change, or anything else that a Superstar considers critical to their success, wrestlers have had heated talks with Vince McMahon in backstage meetings over a number of issues. In this list, we will take a look at five of these instances.

#5 Vince McMahon kicks out staff to speak to Braun Strowman for 45 minutes

Braun Strowman
Braun Strowman

In early 2019, Braun Strowman stormed into a backstage production meeting hours before WWE RAW was about to kick off. Strowman wasn't in a good mood at all and wanted to have a talk with Vince McMahon about the way his character was presented on WWE TV. Strowman thought WWE was almost giving him great opportunities and then taking them away at the last moment. Vince McMahon realized what Strowman was going through and immediately kicked his staff out of the production meeting, and proceeded to talk to Strowman for 45 minutes.

“He [Vince] kicked everybody out of the production meeting two hours before Raw was about to start – the show wasn’t even done – and talked to me for 45 minutes, heart-to-heart, man-to-man conversation, and it opened my eyes to the big picture of, ‘Wow, why am I worrying about this?’”

As per Strowman's comments, he was satisfied after his talk with Vince McMahon. He finally won the big one at WrestleMania 36 earlier this year, when he beat WWE Hall of Famer Goldberg. Strowman lost the belt to The Fiend at SummerSlam 2020.

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