5 Fake WWE families
Even if you don't know anything about pro-wrestling, the one thing you will know for certain is that sports entertainment, as the WWE likes to call it, is scripted. Sure, it requires a lot of skill to perform in the ring, and a lot of the injuries sustained are very much real, but at the end of the day, pro-wrestling is scripted.
This allows wrestling promotions such as the WWE to take advantage of the fact to alter storylines and characters to fit the narrative direction in which they want to take certain storylines. After all, when everything is scripted, you can take all the liberties you want with facts.
One such popular direction that WWE takes is with wrestling families. I mean, sure, there are the legit ones such as The Hardy Boyz, The McMahon family, The Hart Foundation, etc. but there are also many popular wrestling families which are entirely and utterly fake.
So, without any further ado, here are five fake WWE families:
#5 The Smoking Gunns
Kicking off our list are The Smoking Gunns. Comprised of kayfabe brothers, Billy Gunn and Bart Gunn, the Smoking Gunns operated under the gimmick of being a couple of cowboy brothers who were part of the WWE's tag team division.
Performing as a team between 1993 and 1996, Billy and Bart won the WWF Tag Team Championships on three occasions during this period and enjoyed quite a bit of success. In fact, they were so well known as brothers that both of them kept the Gunn last name even after they split.
Bart Gunn would go on to have mediocre singles run, but Billy, on the other hand, would join up Triple H's Degeneration X and form one of the most popular tag teams of all time – The New Age Outlaws – with Road Dogg.