
5 fantasy storylines that can save Roman Reigns' career

Can Reigns bounce back?

At WrestleMania 33, Roman Reigns single handedly destroyed our childhood when he defeated The Undertaker and essentially sent the Deadman into retirement. Now while this was an undoubtedly horrific moment, it wouldn't have been nearly as bad if Reigns had turned heel in the process of beating Taker in Orlando - but he didn't.

Yes, we know that the proposed Roman heel turn has been suggested a million times now, but there's a reason for that. People who insist that the guy doesn't have a character alignment are wrong because the WWE are clearly still trying to position him as a white meat babyface. It's pretty laughable in all honesty, and they need to do something drastic to alter the course of his career.

Sure you could argue that the fact he's garnering some form of reaction is a good thing, but Vince has the potential to do something huge with Roman's character going forward. He could turn The Big Dog into one of the biggest stars in years, despite seeming set on wanting to destroy his potential week in and week out.

So with all that being said, here are five fantasy storylines that can save Roman Reigns' career.

#1 The Corporate Turn

He bought in

This one is probably the most obvious, and it's also probably the easiest to execute. For well over a year now, Roman Reigns has clearly been the figurehead of Monday Night Raw, with management choosing to give him opportunity after opportunity - despite the fact that we've always been lead to assume that The Authority despises The Big Dog.

While this would've been more effective at WrestleMania, you could have Reigns finally snap and turn heel on someone like Dean Ambrose - thereby revealing that he was in cahoots with The Authority all along. You can even go all the way back to the Royal Rumble when explaining why he did it, with Roman being afforded the number 30 slot in the match.

Taker was only the beginning...

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