
5 female wrestlers who have had a troubled past

How W
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When you're a WWE Superstar, a lot of pressure comes with the position, especially if you're on the women's roster.

Wrestlers have to constantly represent the company and must keep it in the back of their head at all times. Gone are the days of kayfabe where they could lash out at someone in public just because they're a bad girl on television.

Along with the obvious stress of being a WWE Superstar comes dealing with memories from your past. Many of our favourite WWE female Superstars have had to overcome some serious obstacles along the way to greatness.

Some of these scars they must overcome are due to childhood trauma and others occurred later on in life. But whether the pain is mental or physical it still left a lasting impression that made them the strong women they are today.

#1 Eva Marie

All Red Everything
All Red Everything

Eva Marie entertained the masses as a WWE Superstar and OG cast member on Total Divas. WWE apparently had big plans for her but one thing or another kept getting in the way.

Although she recently left WWE, Eva still maintains a relationship with the company. She is proud of the work she did while employed in Vince's Circus of Suplexes and credits much of her fandom and success to the opportunities presented to her while with the company.

But before becoming the woman we all know her as today, Eva had to overcome some serious issues.

As a cast member of Total Divas, her past caught up with her. In an earlier episode of the series, Cameron called Eva out for posing for nude photographs before being signed to WWE.

Eva revealed that she is a recovering alcoholic which is why she doesn't drink to this day. She has dealt with the struggles of addiction for much of her life and it led her down a bad road for a period of time.

Thankfully, she was able to turn things around and refocus. Now she's reaping the benefits of all her hard work with her many film roles and media endeavours.

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