
5 Gimmick matches for the WWE Women’s division

These women can definitely pull off various gimmick matches

Ever since Wrestlemania, the WWE has made it clear that the women’s division is one of its utmost business priorities. So, it may not be a farfetched thought to give them gimmick matches that have been quite a hit for the men’s division. A gimmick match is a rarely used type of wrestling match involving a particular idea, sometimes with an added stipulation.

 At Wrestlemania, WWE introduced a new women’s title, gave them sufficient time combined with some better writing than the past few years, and the women delivered quite possibly the best women’s match in Wrestlemania history. The WWE then terminated the term ‘diva’ and began calling them ‘superstars’- a moniker that has been long used for male performers.

Here then, are the top 5 gimmick matches for the women’s division.

#1 Money In the Bank

Paige was one of the first voices to support a MITB women’s match

A Money In The Bank ladder match has 5 or more participants trying to climb a ladder to grab a briefcase which has a contract that guarantees them an automatic title shot whenever they want in a span of a year.

Keeping up with the next PPV in line, the first time this concept came to mind was when Paige, in an interview, recommended that women also have a Money In The Bank ladder match –  and at this point in the evolution of female performers in the WWE –  this seems like the perfect idea.

The roster hasn’t been this deep and this varied lately and there are a number of singles performers who can actually make this match steal the show. Charlotte has grown to be quite a vilified and hated heel and any day, cashing in the contract is a momentous experience for the Superstar involved.

It seems like a very logical thing to do.

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