
5 Good/5 Bad - WWE Raw May 13th 2016

The feud that has WrestleMania main event written all over it

The Raw after a PPV is always an important event. New feuds are formed and old storylines are buried. It is the first step into the next edition of WWE programming. And as they say, “if the first step is crooked, the end result is gonna be crooked too.”   

This week’s Raw had both the high points and low points. From Seth Rollins’ scintillating promo to Styles’ fall into depression, it had everything. Below is a list of the things that worked and the things that did not.

1. Bad – Groundhog Day

Let’s start with the bad. Just when we thought we’d seen the last of the Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler saga we get a backstage confrontation between the pair that leads to a match being made for next week’s Raw.

If this was a series of intense back and forth matches then this would be great but the crowd have been indifferent to this feud from the beginning. Hell, their first match on the post-WrestleMania Raw has overshadowed by a beach ball in the crowd.

Hopefully next week’s bout will be the last and we can move on from this seemingly never-ending story and Corbin can show his full potential as a future top heel in the company.

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