
5 Great Wrestlemania matches and 5 disappointing ones

The Rock and Hollywood Hogan face off at Wrestlemania 18
The Rock and Hollywood Hogan face off at Wrestlemania 18

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There's just something special about Wrestlemania season in the WWE. Superstars have a little more spring in their steps. Fans cheer a bit louder, and from top to bottom, in the wrestling industry and the media that covers speculation runs wilder than Hulkamania in 1986.

Most of the speculation revolves around who will be in the main event, but there are also questions as to what will be the best match of the event this year. Most wrestling fans agree that Wrestlemania is to sports entertainment as Woodstock was to the music industry: A watershed event that sets the stage for what's to come after.

In its long and illustrious history, Wrestlemania has produced some fantastic matches. It has also, unfortunately, put on some bouts that were less than well received. Here are five excellent Wrestlemania matches, and five that were not so excellent.

Great Wrestlemania Match: Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart--Wrestlemania X

Brother vs. Brother: Bret Hart screams in agony as Owen Hart locks in a figure four leglock.
Brother vs. Brother: Bret Hart screams in agony as Owen Hart locks in a figure four leglock.

In a perfect wrestling match, technical precision is balanced with emotional content and physicality. Owen Hart and his brother Bret wrestled a perfect match in 1994 at Wrestlemania X.

The build up to the match was fantastic storytelling. Owen Hart was a babyface midcarder and the plucky little brother of main event talent Bret. But Owen had apparently grown jealous and attacked his brother, leaving him with a kayfabe knee injury. The cocky Owen gave a speech about how he was going to be the dominant Hart brother and turned heel.

According to the storyline, Doctors had begged Bret Hart not to compete due to his injury, but he stubbornly refused to take more time off. He wanted revenge, and he had his chance at Wrestlemania. What really sets this match apart is both the technical wrestling and the sheer brutality the brothers brought to bear on each other. The finish was also a jaw-dropper, as the younger Hart cleanly pinned his brother, denying the Hitman his revenge.

There is always something about family feuds that work in the WWE and the Canadians made the most of their Wrestlemania bout. The match can be described as a blueprint on how to wrestle in the ring.

(Don't feel too bad for Bret: He later won the WWE championship on the same night!)

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