How WWE SummerSlam 2018 succeeded at storytelling

WWE Summerslam 2018 saw Roman Reigns being crowned as the new Universal Champion. The event itself had several eye-catching moments that led to fans talking about it endlessly on social media.
Despite its highlights, many people tend to disregard the booking & storytelling from a certain point forward on this show.
Truth be told, nobody was expecting WWE to pull off this year's SummerSlam in the way they did. Expectations going in were moderate, but the Pay-Per-View managed to surprise a considerable portion of the WWE Universe.
In an era where match quality is generally accorded more significance than storytelling, let's look at how WWE SummerSlam 2018 succeeded at the one aspect we are concerned with here, that is, "storytelling"...
#5 Charlotte Flair Is The New Champion...But This Is Becky's Story All Along
WWE SummerSlam 2018 saw Charlotte Flair being crowned as the new SmackDown Live Women's Champion. Many fans had a specific problem heading into this event- Charlotte Flair.
Why? Well, Charlotte has had her spotlight numerous times before, and this was supposed to be Becky's moment. Therefore, many saw it as Charlotte stealing the spotlight from the Irish Lass Kicker once again.
Personally, I was convinced of the fact that this is Becky's story all along the moment when Charlotte Flair was inserted into the title picture. WWE's portrayal of all events heading into this match clearly showed that they wanted the audience to feel that 'certain uncertainty'.
This uncertainty turns into a reality when Charlotte proves to be the better competitor and becomes the new SmackDown Live Womens' Champion, hence overshadowing Becky Lynch once again.
But then it happens...
Becky Lynch turns on Charlotte Flair. It was a long-time coming. In the end, it all boils down to this- Becky Lynch was booked to come off as a sympathetic character. All of that sympathy would eventually lead us to SummerSlam 2018, where sympathy simply isn't enough to fuel the fire that encourages Becky Lynch to grind & put her body on the line each & every consecutive week.
Charlotte Flair may be the new champion, but she acts as an efficient catalyst to the only story that matters in the end, that is, the story of Becky Lynch's rise to the top...