
5 noticeable changes WWE has made to their programming 

Change is in the air at WWE!
Change is in the air at WWE!


It might not always be the most pleasant thing at first, but it can slowly become loved over time. Just look at Roman Reigns, who started his singles career as one of the most despised babyfaces in all of WWE and slowly has become one of the company's fan favorites.

While change can be weird at first and just seems out of place, it can slowly turn into something really special. It sometimes even goes on to make the product even better than it already is and only opens the door to more change later on down the road.

With that being said and WWE coming out with some pretty interesting content over the past couple of months, here are five somewhat subtle but very noticeable changes that the company has made to the product.

As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and tell us what changes you have noticed.

#5 Minimizing The Club

Is WWE giving up on The Club?
Is WWE giving up on The Club?

AJ Styles and The Good Brothers teamed up earlier this year to reform The Club and while the group started red hot, they quickly lost that momentum. In fact, between Styles still being a midcard champion and Gallows and Anderson losing The tag team titles, it's becoming obvious that the group is slowly becoming an afterthought.

Yes, they have had the group go up against Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman on a few occasions, and they play the role of a heel faction quite nicely - but it pales in comparison to what could be done with the faction. Unfortunately for Styles and The Good Brothers, their momentum is tapering off and the company seems to have nothing of note for them.

With that being said, it honestly seems like The Club storyline wasn't well thought out or just was a temporary deal to gain ratings. Either way, the Original Club is in a virtual limbo right now and will most likely continue to fall down the ladder as time goes on.

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