
5 Interesting stories about WWE Superstars meeting Vince McMahon for the first time

John Cena and Vince McMahon
John Cena and Vince McMahon

Nearly every WWE Superstar is intimidated when they meet Vince McMahon for the first time. It's not funny, but when you come face-to-face with the boss, you have to be able to present yourself the best way possible.

The Superstars mentioned in this list have attained a high level of success while working for WWE, but their first meeting with the boss didn't go exactly as planned. Though some of them originally regretted their decision for signing with WWE, they soon realized it was in their best interest.

In this feature, let's uncover a few stories about WWE Superstars' first meeting Vince McMahon and the thing that happened during it. So, let's get started.

#5 John "Bradshaw" Layfield becomes a ballerina

JBL initially regretted his decision for rejecting WCW
JBL initially regretted his decision for rejecting WCW

After working on the independent circuit for almost three years, John "Bradshaw" Layfield, or better known as JBL, received a contract with two of the biggest wrestling companies at the time, WWE and WCW.

Initially, JBL wanted to work for WCW as he felt he'd more successful there, but a day before he was supposed to meet with Eric Bishoff and other WCW officials, JBL had a tryout match with WWE, where he impressed many people.

Owing to this, JBL was promised to receive a contract with WWE only if he rejected WCW's offer and come meet Vince McMahon and Co. a few days later. While JBL did the same and went to see Vince McMahon in Stamford, Connecticut, he soon started to regret his decision for not signing with WCW.

Speaking in an interview, JBL revealed, McMahon started the meeting by saying he wanted to present him in front of fans as something different, and a ballet dancer gimmick would be a perfect choice for him. Also, he could make it work if he becomes a heel.

As you can imagine, JBL wasn't pleased as he heard these outlandish ideas Vince McMahon had planned for him. However, Mr. McMahon told him he was just trying to pull a prank on the former WWE Champion and that there were no such ballerina gimmick plans for him.

Following this, McMahon told JBL about his original plans for him.

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