
5 major things that might have happened if Roman Reigns turned heel after beating The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33

Roman Reigns and The Undertaker.
Roman Reigns and The Undertaker.

In the main event of WrestleMania 33, Roman Reigns defeated The Undertaker in what was seemingly The Deadman's retirement match. The fact that Jim Ross was called back to WWE for the main event and that a non-title match headlined the show meant that it was in the final slot for a reason.

Roman Reigns' win over The Undertaker was predicted by a large section of the WWE fanbase. There were a few things that made the win and the match a bad look in hindsight.

Firstly, watching The Undertaker far past his prime in an underwhelming match was painful for most fans. Secondly, The Undertaker didn't even retire after that, so the entire idea of Roman Reigns winning seemed pointless. Thirdly, WWE didn't capitalize and turn Roman Reigns heel - choosing not to strike while the iron was hot.

Fans had been begging for a Roman Reigns heel turn for over two years at that point, and he ended up using the dialogue, "I'm not a bad guy, I'm not a good guy - I'm the guy" every week for at least a month.

While WWE finally pulled the trigger on Roman Reigns' heel turn over three years later in 2020, there would likely have been a much better outcome if they did so post-WrestleMania 33.

Here are five things that would have happened in the alternate scenario with Roman Reigns:

#5. Roman Reigns would become WWE's biggest heel...for a while

Roman Reigns on the RAW after WrestleMania 33.
Roman Reigns on the RAW after WrestleMania 33.

The RAW after WrestleMania 33 proved one thing - Roman Reigns was WWE's biggest heel, whether the company felt so or not. He was drowned in jeers through the opening segment and stated that he went on for far longer than what was scheduled.

It was perhaps one of the most memorable moments in RAW history, and it had been years since any Superstar was booed the way Roman Reigns was.

Had Roman Reigns turned heel after WrestleMania 33, WWE fans would have been able to get all of the jeers out of their system, and Roman Reigns would have been the biggest heel in the company - but only for a while.

Once he would have developed a better and more authentic personality, his status as WWE's biggest heel would have faded quickly.

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