
5 matches WWE should have booked for Summerslam but didn't 

An alternative card for Summerslam.
An alternative card for Summerslam

With Summerslam just around the corner, we now have a pretty decent idea of what the card will look like. With most of the main title matches now announced, and some decent looking mid-card bouts on the horizon, this could well shape up to be a fantastic Summerslam show.

That doesn't stop us asking 'what if?'. Perhaps there are other ways the WWE could have gone with the biggest party of the summer this year.

Here is a look at five matches that the company could have gone with but chose not to:

#1 Jason Jordan Vs. Chad Gable

A last goodbye?
A last goodbye?

2017 hasn't been the greatest year for tag team wrestling. Despite the return of the Hardy Boyz, there have been far too many tag-team break ups. Enzo and Cass really should have been given a run with the belts before they went their separate ways, and American Alpha deserved much more than an unceremonious rupture due to an illegitimate son storyline over on RAW.

Fans initially believed that Chad Gable was going to be Kurt Angle's illegitimate son due to his similarities with the WWE Hall Of Famer

Whatever the future holds for Jason Jordan, fans must be feeling a little short changed that they never got to see these two go at it in the ring. They had very complementary styles that worked wonders down on NXT, and this could easily have been converted into a one on one match.

WWE has a tendency to do things too quickly at times. Jordan finds himself heading into Summerslam to take on The Miz for the IC title and Gable has already faced Kevin Owens, Rusev and AJ Styles over on Smackdown. The two men are both under 30, so there is still plenty of time to build them up. A nice way to do this would have been to have them compete against each other at the biggest party of the summer.

There wouldn't have been any need for a heel turn, just two guys with some history going head to head for basic bragging rights. They could have billed it as Jordan's going away party and given NXT fans a little bit of closure. It would have been a nice win for Jordan too, making his inevitable singles push on RAW all the more believable.

Sadly it isn't to be, but a lot of fans will be hoping this happens at some point in the future.

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