
5 Most iconic Stone Cold Stunners in WWE history

What was Stone Cold's most iconic Stunner?
What was Stone Cold's most iconic Stunner?

How do you rank an iconic maneuver, a finishing move that has been used countless times over the course of WWE history? It's an arduous task to rank the top 5 Stunners performed by the master, Stone Cold himself. So many iconic moments, so many epic Stunners.

From the insane ways The Rock has sold the move throughout his career to the countless times he nailed Vince McMahon with it during the Attitude Era, this move has been a mainstay for the last two decades. It is an absolute crowd favorite, which makes ranking more difficult.

With that being said, here is a list of what we believe to be the five most iconic Stone Cold Stunners in WWE history. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us your favorite as well.

#5 The Entire McMahon family (RAW Homecoming - October 3, 2005)

During the RAW Homecoming event in October 2005, Stone Cold Steve Austin proceeded to lay waste to the entire McMahon family in a matter of minutes. It started, of course, with Vince McMahon, who seemed to know instictively that it was coming and tried to exit the ring before the inevitable happened.

Unfortunately for Mr. McMahon, he was goaded into talking with The Rattlesnake and it resulted in the Stunner we all saw coming. The crowd came absolutely unglued after this and that was only the first offering. Shane McMahon made his way to the ring to fight for his father's honor, but was handed a Stunner of his own as the crowd went nuts again.

Stephanie McMahon was next to come out. She ended up slapping Austin in the face, which was enough provocation for Stone Cold, and she ate a Stunner for her troubles. As if that wasn't crazy enough, Linda McMahon followed the family train and made a rare appearance on TV. She tried to plead with Austin to stop the madness, but in the end, she fell victim to the Stunner just like the rest of the McMahon tribe.

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