
5 NXT stars who are lost on the main roster 

Melting pot of all amazing talents
pot of all amazing talents

NXT is WWE's developmental system where Superstars get used to WWE's style before moving to the main roster. But, wrestling pundits and hardcore wrestling fans often refer NXT as the epitome of wrestling in WWE. NXT has truckloads of amazing talent who put up five-star matches and they have a huge fanbase.

Usually, fans detest the fact that they have to move up to the main roster because most of the time, they either lose their relevance or they are booked as jobbers.

There are end numbers of examples to substantiate this statement and WWE hasn't used the talents efficiently which generally deteriorates due to factors like age and lack of motivation. Here are few examples of the grave mistake WWE is doing when it comes to handling talent.

#5 Tye Dillinger

Perfect Ten has Zero Feuds
Perfect Ten has Zero Feuds

10! 10! 10!

Tye Dillinger is the most underrated star in the Smackdown Live roster. Dillinger is underutilized in Smackdown Live, and it might not be wrong when one says that he has not been utilised at all.

In the NXT roster, Dillinger was involved in a tag team with Jason Jordan which was not very successful. Then, he picked up the Perfect Ten gimmick and started gaining prominence in WWE. His match with Andrade Cien Almas was critically acclaimed, and despite his defeat, he won many hearts. 

In 2017, he debuted on Smackdown Live, and since then, he has lost his relevance. He was involved in a boring feud with Aiden English, who at that time was a jobber himself.

Dillinger was not a main-eventer in NXT, but he was popular with the fans. WWE has to understand the fact Dillinger is 37-years-old, and he will soon retire. They can use him in different manners to create amazing matches.

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