
5 of the weirdest WWE SummerSlam moments ever

The Legion of Doom with their special friend
The Legion of Doom with their special friend

The history of SummerSlam is a collection of immense moments.

Moments that can make you cry, like when Macho Man Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth reunited at WrestleMania VII, then got "married" at SummerSlam '91 (they were already married but, you know, wrestling...).

Moments that make you jump out of your seat and cheer - especially if you're British - when Davey Boy Smith defeated Bret Hart for the Intercontinental Championship in London at SummerSlam '92.

Moments that can even make you angry, like when Daniel Bryan's WWE Championship moment was stolen from him by Triple H and Randy Orton at SummerSlam 2013.

And then... there's these moments. The "Wait... what?" Moments where you're not entirely sure what you're seeing is actually happening. Sure, sometimes you were informed in advance that this was going to happen but then it actually happens and you still can't believe it.

SummerSlam has had a lot of those moments, too.

So, with the 'Biggest Party of the Summer' just around the corner, we decided to pick five of them and remind you that they happened. So be prepared to wrap your mind around some pretty fun nonsense.

#5 The Legion of Doom to the ring with a ventriloquist dummy - 1992

The Legion of Doom, aka The Road Warriors, had - and it goes without saying - an amazing career. They were quite possibly the most popular and most successful tag team of their era.

When they jumped ship from the NWA to WWF, the LOD made an immediate impact, first feuding with Demolition (a team clearly inspired by LOD's "face paint and spikes" motif) before eventually winning the WWF World Tag Team Championship.

However, the WWF wanted to find a way to make the team more appealing to kids (can you imagine any kid in the 1990s not loving the Legion of Doom?). So the obvious solution was... to pair them up with a sneering, leather jacket-wearing ventriloquist puppet named... no! Stop laughing! This actually happened!

The dummy's name was Rocco. And by 'dummy', we mean the puppet, not the dummy who thought pairing the two toughest men in the WWF's tag team division with a doll was a good idea.

Rocco had been paired with LOD a couple of weeks before SummerSlam, but chances are that the big event at Wembley Stadium was most fans' first chance to see the former Road Warriors with their new little puppet buddy. In fact, it was the first thing they saw when they watched the show.

Thankfully, the team was relieved of their puppet babysitting duties, but their career never really recovered from it.

The decision to include a puppet as a part of LOD's programming would be synonymous with what a brand like WCW would do. But the WWE were equally notorious back in the day as well.

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