
5 WrestleMania 34 opponents for Daniel Bryan if he is cleared 

Bryan could have a host of great matches in the current roster
Bryan could have a host of great dream matches in WWE

At the outset, let us warn you that this is just a fantasy booking article and little more. If Daniel Bryan has been cleared to wrestle, we have no knowledge of it. However, the events that unfolded at Clash of Champions certainly point to the fact that Bryan could be making an in-ring return. If that happens, the WWE Universe will rejoice as one, chanting 'yes'!

Why else would they be teasing a feud between Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan? One where Bryan physically lay his hands on Shane McMahon, during the co-main event where both men were officiating the proceedings? Why would WWE tease us so?

Let's assume for the sake of this article that Bryan does get cleared before WrestleMania 34 comes around. Who could he be facing on the grandest stage of them all?

We list 5 possible contenders here.

#5 Shane McMahon

Shane McMahon is the least exciting prospect in this whole list
Shane McMahon is the least exciting prospect in this whole list

Let's face it. If Daniel Bryan were indeed coming back, we would want him to face a full-time wrestler from the roster instead of Shane McMahon. However, from the looks of it, this is the likeliest scenario. One that looks par for the course right now.

All said and done, this looks to be the likeliest scenario, as of this moment. A clash between the two Authority Figures of SmackDown Live. Two men who were once aligned in vision and who can no longer stand to work with one another.

To be fair to Shane McMahon, he's proved time and again that he can deliver on the big stage. If any wrestler can carry the match, it certainly is Daniel Bryan.

Thankfully, the other four wrestlers in this list are all better contenders for the coveted WrestleMania 34 spot.

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