
5 options for Brock Lesnar at WWE Royal Rumble 2018

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Brock Lesnar has a multitude of options for the Royal Rumbl

The Royal Rumble is still well over a month away, but that hasn’t stopped the rumour mill from constantly bringing up the topic of whether Brock Lesnar will make an appearance, and if so, what he’ll be doing.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve heard numerous suggestions, from “the title won’t be on the line, but he’ll have a match” to “he won’t show up at all” and a bevy of ideas suggested as the game plan going forward.

I can’t help but feel like there may not be a true plan right now, and WWE’s creative team could still be trying to sort out what the best course of action (in their mind) would be—but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t options available.

In fact, the way I see it, there are five different ways this can go down without particularly ruining any future plans, corrupting any characters on the Road to WrestleMania 34, or retreading on familiar ground (i.e. Lesnar vs. Cena) while WWE still gets to the same end result of Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns that most fans are sick and tired of hearing.

With all that being said, these are, in my mind, the five best options for Lesnar at the 2018 Royal Rumble event.

#1 #4 Jinder Mahal

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Jinder Mahal was to face Lesnar at Survivor Series before he lost his title

Here’s where the list goes from “I’d like to see it” to “okay, well, this is the last resort, but that’s fine.”

Jinder Mahal spent several weeks hyping up a match between himself and Brock Lesnar for Survivor Series.

That didn’t come to fruition as WWE had rightly replaced him with Styles to give us a much bigger and better match than what would have happened.

However, if you’re looking for an opponent for Lesnar, it would be interesting if Mahal challenges him again and calling it unfinished business.

Let’s just say, theoretically, that when Mahal loses his title match against Styles at Clash of Champions, he cuts a promo about how he’s going to prove that he’s the Modern Day Maharaja and a rightful champion, even if he has to jump ship to do so, challenging Lesnar at the next cross-branded event.

What I don’t like about the scenario is that the match would be a lacklustre squash and the Raw vs. SmackDown stuff would have to be downplayed to avoid any feeling of residual Survivor Series tension. But what I like about it is that it would be happening on a card where the main selling point is unaffected by the match.

Basically, if this is ever going to happen, it has to happen here or not at all.

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