
5 Possible challengers for Seth Rollins and Murphy's RAW Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania 36

What's next for the RAW Tag Champs?
What's next for the RAW Tag Champs?

Since turning heel and proclaiming himself as 'The Monday Night Messiah', Seth Rollins has once again been on a meteoric rise in WWE. Not only did the former Universal Champion's latest heel turn give birth to 'The Monday Night Messiah', but the WWE Universe has also witnessed the inception of a new faction consisting of Rollins, Akam, Rezar, and Murphy, who like to claim themselves to be Rollins' disciples.

Since the formation of the group, Rollins and co. have targeted some of WWE's biggest babyfaces in the form of Rey Mysterio, Kevin Owens, and Samoa Joe, and with Murphy aligning himself with the faction, it didn't take long for Rollins and his disciple to capture some gold on RAW.

As seen on the January 21 edition of RAW, Rollins and Murphy won the RAW Tag Team Championships from The Viking Raiders in dramatic fashion and the duo established themselves as the tag team of the group, despite the presence of AOP.

Nevertheless, at this year's Super ShowDown event in Saudi Arabia, Rollins and Murphy successfully retained the RAW Tag Team Titles over The Street Profits and with this win, the duo will look forward to walking into WrestleMania 36 as the champions. That being said, here are 5 possible opponents against whom Rollins and Murphy could defend the RAW Tag Team Championship against at 'The Grandest Stage of Them All'.

#5 The OC

Gallows and Anderson have been on a solid run
Gallows and Anderson have been on a solid run

With AJ Styles rumored to compete in a huge singles match against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 36, it is pretty much a known fact that the duo of Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows will accompany 'The Phenomenal One' to the ring during his clash against 'The Phenom'.

Given that Styles is almost confirmed to compete in such a high caliber match at 'Mania, the rightful decision for WWE would be to put his stablemates in a match of high prestige, as well. After all, Gallows and Anderson are 'The Best Tag Team In The World'.

With a win over The Viking Raiders at Super Showdown, The OC could very well be in line for a shot at the RAW Tag Team Titles, so why not have them challenge Rollins and Murphy at WrestleMania?

So far, the duo of Anderson and Gallows have competed in just one tag team match at WrestleMania and come April 5th, we could totally expect The OC to step up as the newest challengers for the RAW Tag Team Titles.

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