
5 Possible matches that could happen at Wrestlemania 35

Although there's still some time to go for this one the matches have already started taking shape
Although there's still some time to go for this one the matches have already started taking shape

Although there's still some time left for WrestleMania, the WWE management are known for having their plans already set in stone for a long long time beforehand. So much so that the seeds for many of these matches get planted way before the matches are even announced(this is what is called storytelling, isn't it?).

There are many things expected from this year's edition. One of the prominent things is the women's division closing out the show(such has been their progress that it hardly looks beyond the realms of possibility).

With that in mind and taking into account some of the rumors that have been doing rounds recently, we tried to gesticulate some matches that could make it to the WrestleMania card this time around.

#1 Ronda Rousey Vs Charlotte Flair Vs Becky Lynch

The three leading women are more than likely to take center stage at Wrestlemania this time around
The three leading women are more than likely to take center stage at Wrestlemania this time around

The seeds are already planted for this one but there is going to be one hell of an intrigue surrounding this match.

Becky Lynch started it all off by attacking Ronda Rousey backstage at a Raw segment before Survivor Series (thank you, Nia Jax, for ruining that one). Charlotte Flair contributed to the feud by marauding Ronda at Survivor Series and now Ronda cost both of them the title at TLC.

What's going to be really interesting is to see how all of this ties together in a storyline and leads to two women from the SmackDown roster going against the Raw Women's champion. And more importantly with the stakes so high because the victor would be the undisputed leader of the Women's division this will be the match of the night for sure. 

On a side note, Becky Lynch calling Ronda "Ronnie" is just hilarious.

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