
5 possible opponents for Intercontinental Champion Big E

Intercontinental Championship is second most prestigious championship in WWE currently. It has a good amount of history attached. Famous names like Chris Jericho, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H and Rob Van Dam have held the championship.

Off late, the championship has been generally used to develop the undercard and  promote upcoming talent. The championship was defended on the preshow in the last WrestleMania. A well built feud can however add more relevancy to the title and can thus help both the champion and the challenger in establishing themselves.

Currently, Big E holds the Intercontinental Championship. Big E is a former national powerlifting champion, former NXT champion and debuted on the main roster as a bodyguard to Dolph Ziggler and subsequently AJ Lee. He was even a part of the WrestleMania 29 card, featuring as a tag team partner of Ziggler. He has both the build and the mic skills, something which is very rare.

Big E was well pushed to take the title from Curtis Axel on Monday Night Raw back in November last year. Since then he has not had any rivalry of note. He has defended his title only against three wrestlers- Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow and Jack Swagger. Only the match against Swagger was of certain relevance and had some build up through Zeb Colter.

Big E after winning his title back in November

Given the potential that Big E has and the talent that the roster currently has, the WWE creative team can book a good feud for Big E for this WrestleMania. Here I would present 5 wrestlers who may well challenge Big E for the title.

5. Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam is an exciting prospect whom everyone looks up to in the card. Although he has slowed down in the ring, he still has all his skill sets. RVD is scheduled to return sometime before WrestleMania. In the earlier stint, RVD had some above average matches with Alberto Del Rio for the world heavyweight championship. He did well to make Del Rio look ruthless, though Del Rio still finds it hard to get over with the crowd.

RVD could actually put up even better performances with Big E. With Big E needing a potent rival, RVD can easily step up and perform the role efficiently. It would also make the title look a lot more respectable.

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