
5 possible opponents for Ronda Rousey at WrestleMania 34

Ronda Rousey
Former UFC Bantamweight Champion, Ronda Rousey.

Ronda Rousey made her return to WWE at The Royal Rumble and while she didn't speak a single word, she did point to the purple coloured WrestleMania sign in the rafters, which should tell The WWE Universe everything they need to know about her intentions. 

With that in mind and several tantalizing options on the table for The former UFC Bantamweight Champion, here are five possible opponents for Ronda Rousey at WrestleMania 34 in New Orleans.

Of course some options will be more likely than others, but hopefully, readers will keep an open mind to all the possibilities that are out there!

#5 Alexa Bliss for the Raw Women's Title

Alexa Bliss,
Alexa Bliss putting her goddess-like attitude on display.

While Alexa Bliss versus Ronda Rousey has the potential to be one of the most one-sided feuds in the history of WWE, it is still an option for the company if they do decide to have Bliss keep the title at Fastlane. Unfortunately for WWE, Bliss and Rousey, this is probably one of the only matches on this list that isn't necessarily WrestleMania worthy.

Sure, Bliss is a gifted competitor in the ring and definitely deserving of everything she has accomplished during her short time in WWE, but she doesn't have a build that would make the match with Rousey realistic. Not only that, Rousey's UFC experience and the way WWE wants to build her up will probably lead to Rousey destroying her with one hit.

With that being said, and WWE's desire to finally do a Women's division WrestleMania main event in mind, this is probably one of the worst options possible to make that happen. Again, it's not that Bliss isn't a phenomenal athlete and an excellent heel character, but her having in any chance in a match against Rousey is unbelievable at best and laughable at worst.

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