
5 possible opponents for Shane McMahon at WrestleMania 35 

Shane McMahon's World Cup victory shocked the WWE Universe
Shane McMahon's World Cup victory shocked the WWE Universe

This past Friday night at Crown Jewel, Shane McMahon confirmed what we all already knew- that he is the best wrestler in the world, bar none.

I'm joking, of course, but Shane McMahon's surprising victory at Crown Jewel did at least give us some indication of several potential storylines that we could see dominate SmackDown over the coming weeks and months.

It wouldn't be the official start to WrestleMania season if Shane McMahon wasn't involved in some sort of major storyline. The SmackDown commissioner has returned from his six-month absence with a vengeance, and whether fans like it or not, he looks set to be involved in one of the blue brand's most dominant storylines over the next few months, whatever that happens to be.

McMahon's victory and the subsequent brand feud between Raw and SmackDown give the WWE several options as to who Shane McMahon could end up facing at the Metlife next year.

With that in mind, let's take a look at 5 potential matches for Shane McMahon at WrestleMania 35.

#5 Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler was the biggest loser at Crown Jewel
Ziggler was the biggest loser at Crown Jewel

Shane McMahon's recent actions at Crown Jewel seem to suggest that the SmackDown Commissioner has now officially turned heel, and if that is the case, then this match doesn't appear to be very likely.

That being said, Ziggler is probably going to be very frustrated at McMahon defeating him in the World Cup final, and if the WWE decides to just play McMahon as a babyface going forward, which we shouldn't rule out, then Ziggler attacking him at Survivor Series could set up a match between the two.

There was talk of these two men feuding at some point last year after Ziggler dropped his US title belt and walked out on SmackDown, and even though that storyline was totally dropped without any real explanation, it wouldn't be too unlike the WWE to go back to old plans.

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