
5 Potential main events for WWE Fastlane

Goldberg could team up with an unlikely foe

It's an exciting time to be a wrestling fan as we collectively gear up for the most fun time on the WWE calendar – WrestleMania season. This is the time of year during which legends return, injured superstars make a surprise comeback and the WWE Universe is treated to better storylines than they've seen throughout the last twelve months.

Well, that's how it's advertised to the public anyway. Whether it succeeds or fails, year in and year out, we as supporters of the product get actively excited when we're preparing for Mania. It's unlike any other kind of event found in any sport you can think of because everything is just different. Whether it's the occasion, the matches, the atmosphere – everything feels bigger.

So naturally, the event prior to Mania should feel pretty minuscule in comparison. Whilst that's usually true, for the Raw brand they will likely be putting a lot of stock into the Fastlane pay-per-view this time round. With it taking place just a few weeks before the showcase of the immortals, you can bet that there will be some pretty interesting storyline developments that take place.

With that being said, let's take a look at five potential main events for WWE Fastlane.

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