
5 Potential Shockers that could happen at TLC

WWE could have a few shockers lined up for TLC
WWE could have a few shockers lined up for TLC

It could be a lull before the storm or it could just be nothing at all. WWE has been putting on poor show after poor show ever since the Survivor Series PPV has culminated. It could either be a sign of something big planned for their next big PPV as WWE might just be putting all eggs in one basket and trying to keep the expectations as low as they can.

The card has slowly started taking shape and it does look impressive at first sight with the potential of so many storylines that can emerge out of it. There is a massive scope of potential shockers that WWE could have lined up for TLC.

Let's go through a few of shockers that WWE could have planned for TLC:

#1 Bobby Roode Turns Heel

It would be a much-awaited Heel turn for Bobby
It would be a much-awaited Heel turn for Bobby

There have been many occasion when WWE should have done it but they didn't but now the timing couldn't be better.

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable are currently in a feud against Authors of Pain. Both of the teams have won a match each against one another and the feud is expected to culminate at TLC with an encounter between the two teams for the tag team title.

Since Authors of Pain have just become champions it seems highly unlikely that they will forfeit their championship this early so it is highly expected that Bobby Roode and Chad Gable will fall short and when they do, it could be a perfect time for Bobby Roode to turn heel against Chad Gable.

Bobby Roode has been on Raw for almost a year now and hasn't done anything of note since then. The heel turn could be the trigger that could help his push as a singles competitor.

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