
5 RAW Superstars who should be involved in the US Championship picture

The United States Championship
The United States Championship

Just as Roman Reigns and King Corbin have battled for the last six months, the same thing has happened between US Champ Andrade and any combo of Rey Mysterio or Humberto Carrillo. It might not have been as long as the Reigns/Corbin angle but it seems as if only those three and Angel Garza have been a part of this feud with El Idolo.

I'm not complaining about the quality of the matches because they have been excellent. Carrillo vs. Garza was the highlight of Super Showdown and any time a combination of these talents has squared off, it's arguably been the top match of the card.

What I am suggesting is that more Superstars get added to the title chase. For those who aren't in a program or not considered as a challenger for the WWE Championship, they need something else to strive for. In the past that has been a mid-card title.

RAW has perhaps its best mid-card in years. In addition to the four men mentioned above, there are also several other Superstars that could benefit from exposure in the US Championship picture. While Rowan would have normally made sense, he's been putting over faces moving up the ladder. That isn't to say that many other performers could be having great matches for RAW's secondary title. Here are five Superstars from the Red brand that should be involved in the US title picture.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article belong to the writer and doesn't necessarily represent Sportskeeda's stand.

#5 R-Truth

Truth is a former US Champ in his own right
Truth is a former US Champ in his own right

The 24/7 Championship has taken a drastic turn without the comedic R-Truth anchoring the division and segments around it. He brought life to the 24/7 title chase and created magic when paired with a potential challenger each week.

It is understandable to have a more serious take on the title now with actual matches for the belt. But once those matches have concluded, there haven't been any other shenanigans surrounding the Champion. There still need to be.

Since Truth isn't being used in that capacity, he could be used as a veteran in the division just like Mysterio. Both men are still in great shape and are extremely over with the crowd. He could even be used as a potential Champion for a younger Superstar to dethrone. I know he was out recording a new album recently but he's too valuable as an all-around performer to not be used.

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