
5 reasons John Cena is washed up and 5 reasons why he's still 'Big Match' John

Cena in his edgy 'rapper' gimmick.
Cena in his edgy 'rapper' gimmick.

John Cena's list of accolades in the WWE goes on and on.

Sixteen-time world champion, Grand slam champion and more PPV main events than any other wrestler. He often refers to himself as the 'measuring stick' of the WWE, and it's not hard to see why.

Cena combines a mix of white-bread babyface goodness and mass market appeal while still managing to be utterly un-ironic about the whole thing. That's hard to do in any era, let alone 2018.

But he seems to be moving down the card, feuding with perennial mid-carders like the Miz rather than taking a spot in the main event. Is John Cena washed up, or is there still something left in the tank? Here are five reasons why he might be done, and five that he can still go with the best of them.

Washed up: Hasn't held a major belt in over a year

John Cena
John Cena

Let's start with the most obvious fact; John Cena hasn't been in the main event picture since February of 2017, and his last world title reign lasted only a little more than two weeks.

Even though Cena has held lesser titles since he has definitely shifted down from the main event. It's hard to be Big Match John when you're feuding with lower-tier talent.

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