
5 reasons Kevin Owens should defeat Goldberg at WWE Fastlane

Will the Kevin Owens show be cancelled at Fastlane?

For all intents and purposes, there has only been one WWE Universal champion. Finn Balor will be in the record books as the inaugural champion, but because of his injury, Kevin Owens is the one who has carried the title during its first few months as Raw’s top belt.

And in his time at the top of the mountain, Owens has been extremely entertaining. But as far as how strong he’s looked since winning the title in August, WWE has left a lot to be desired. 

Owens has been booked the same as most heel WWE champions in recent history: like a coward. And for a guy like Owens who went on a path of destruction while he was NXT champion, this is a bit of an awkward contrast.

It doesn’t necessarily mean his reign has been bad, it’s just not what one would expect an Owens’ world title reign to be. 

With that said, it isn’t time for his reign to end just yet. As exciting and fresh as it is to have Goldberg back, he should not take the title from someone who has carried the Raw brand for nearly six months. At WWE Fastlane, Kevin Owens should defeat Goldberg, and these are five reasons why.

#5 The focus should be on building new stars

Kevin Owens is one WWE’s brightest young talents

One of WWE’s biggest criticisms recently has been their inability to build new stars. Sure, they have several Superstars that could be considered “top” stars such as Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and even Kevin Owens himself.

But nobody, save for John Cena, has the sort of aura that guys like Undertaker, Goldberg, or Brock Lesnar bring to the table. That’s why WWE continues to bring in these part-timers for their biggest pay-per-views, which we saw first-hand at this year’s Royal Rumble.

But instead of bringing in these ageing veterans, WWE needs to keep their focus on building guys up to have the sort of star power that can potentially anchor a show. Giving Goldberg the Universal championship would show that they’re doing the exact opposite of that.

Also read: WWE Rumours: Goldberg to beat Kevin Owens and win the WWE Universal Championship at Fastlane 2017

Kevin Owens is on the cusp of getting to top star status. He’s incredibly entertaining and is one of the best in-ring performers WWE has. But they need to stay the course with him if they want to build him into a star like Undertaker, Goldberg or Lesnar.

If they want him to be the kind of guy who gets an insane crowd reaction when he comes back after retiring, they need to keep building him up to be a big deal.

And that goes for more than just Owens. WWE needs to keep the focus on their full-time talent so they can still have huge stars when the part-timers get too old to step into the ring. Owens defeating Goldberg is the first step towards making that happen.

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