
5 Reasons Seth Rollins should turn Heel

Seth Rollins as Universal Champion.
Seth Rollins as Universal Champion.

Fans know him as the Architect, the King Slayer, and lately, the Beast Slayer.

Long-time fans remember him as Tyler Black from his days in Ring of Honor and the independent circuit. During his time in the independent promotions, many fans believed that he would never work for the WWE.

There were many reasons for this. For one, At six feet and just over two hundred pounds, Seth Rollins was 'too small' for the WWE. Also, like many indie scene darlings, he was more known for delivering in-ring performances than playing one of the larger than life characters the WWE tends to favor.

Last but not the least, many fans were already familiar with Seth Rollins, and thus he would not be considered 'homegrown' WWE talent.

But in the world of sports entertainment, there's no such thing as never. Seth Rollins not only signed with the WWE, he has been fabulously successful. Currently, he is the WWE Raw Universal Champion.

Rollins has flip-flopped between heel and baby face more than any other Shield member. These days he's the top babyface on Raw, but is this the best role for him?

Many fans and critics think Seth Rollins should return to being a heel. Here are five reasons they might be right.

#1 His actions of late have been heelish

Seth Rollins smashes Elias with a steel chair, not stopping because of a referee shirt.
Seth Rollins smashes Elias with a steel chair, not stopping because of a referee shirt.

Seth Rollins, first and foremost, hasn't been acting like a traditional babyface.

Take his actions leading up to Stomping Grounds. It was obvious that Baron Corbin was going to pick a biased referee for their title match at the pay per view. Seth Rollins responded by attacking each of Corbin's picks with a steel chair, brutalizing them until they decided discretion was the better part of valor.

While this may have been a smart strategy, it' s not what a babyface wrestler should do. A babyface champion would accept the biased referee and heroically overcome the situation to be victorious. Seth attacking the special referees was a heel tactic, and not in keeping with the standard 'good guy' practices in pro wrestling.

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