
5 Reasons The WWE Brand Split Might Fail

Everything changes, in just a matter of days.

Battleground, The Draft, Shinsuke Nakamura, The Cruiserweight Classic, NXT, Smackdown going live and so on. There's plenty of excitement surrounding today's WWE product, that's a given.

So, with this in mind, the upcoming brand-split is destined to be a huge success, right? 

But with every positive, there's bound to be a risk, something to fight against things going off without a hitch, if you will. Well, what are the risks? What's the likelihood of an ultimate failure? 

This column isn't written with the intention of being a buzz-kill. This is just to simply evaluate the ways in which the upcoming draft and brand-split could potentially fail. Today, we look at 5 reasons the brand-split just might not work.


Three hours vs. Two hours?

As of right now, there's been no mention of either reverting Raw back to a two-hour format, or having Smackdown run three hours when the split takes place. Why would that be an issue? Well, aren't we supposed to be watching a battle between Stephanie and Shane, to see which brand takes company supremacy?

If that's the case, shouldn't Shane's Smackdown Live get an extra hour to stay competitive? Or, maybe Steph should have Raw cut back one hour in order to even things out?

Personally, I've always felt three hours is entirely too much TV time to cover for Raw, even with a full roster. Now, we split that same roster in half, how can we continue to fill a program which was already struggling to come up with enough creative content to fill a full three hours time block?

The best course of action in this situation would be to have both brands running a two hour live, weekly show.

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