
5 Reasons why Braun Strowman defeated Goldberg to become the WWE Universal Champion at WrestleMania 36 

The Monster stood tall as the Icon lay absolutely broken
The Monster stood tall as the Icon lay absolutely broken

This was a match that went on for barely longer than two minutes. Braun Strowman defeated Goldberg in a twist that only a few people honestly saw coming at WrestleMania this year.

For one thing, this wasn't a match that was even supposed to happen until the very last minute. I mean Roman Reigns was in the match until he had to back out at the very last moment because of health concerns.

There were many spears delivered and yes, there were also many power slams delivered during the course of the match. But at the end of the contest, there was a monster who stood tall while an icon lay prone on the floor, in just a heap.

So, why did Goldberg lose to the Monster Among Men? I will explain my reasoning with 5 points.

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#5 Who else can realistically defeat Goldberg but Strowman?

I know that for a lot of wrestling fans, Goldberg may just be an old man past his prime in his current avatar on WWE television. But one has to remember that this was the man who made WCW relevant in 1998 and 1999 even when the competition had stars like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Mankind, and D-Generation X. Goldberg is certainly no pushover and there's a reason why he is held in such high regard by fans.

And so you cannot have just anyone in the roster defeat Goldberg in a realistic match. I mean if, say, Robert Roode was to defeat him, Goldberg would essentially lose a lot of the mystique that makes him such a special attraction. It needed to be someone special.

Braun Strowman is that guy.

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