5 reasons why Brock Lesnar won't last long in Royal Rumble 2020

WWE made waves when Brock Lesnar announced that he would compete in the 2020 Royal Rumble as the first entrant, which has created rumors of what the company is up to. It also has some wondering if Brock Lesnar could end up winning the entire match from the number one spot, which would be a monumental accomplishment.
With that being said and Lesnar's status within the company in mind, here are five reasons why he won't last long in the Royal Rumble match.
As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us how long you believe the Beast Incarnate will last in the Royal Rumble match.
#5 He doesn't have to

Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, Brock Lesnar doesn't even need to last long in the Royal Rumble match for his presence to be meaningful. In fact, WWE could probably accomplish so much more through cheap heel tactics or a surprising elimination than they ever could with him going the distance.
Keep in mind that Brock Lesnar is starting the match as the first entrant - and unless he gets injured early - will have to fight off 29 other men. Not only does that sound way to predictable of an outcome, it also could cause an uproar with the WWE Universe, who has spoken out about this kind of thing in the past.
With that being said and a short story being a much better option for Lesnar at the Royal Rumble, expect him to be eliminated relatively early from the contest. Either that, or go to create one of the most anti-climactic endings to a Royal Rumble match in WWE history, which would be hard to do after the 2012 incident.