
5 Reasons why CM Punk should not win the 2020 Royal Rumble 

Will it be best for business?
Will it be best for business?

Disclaimer: The views of the author do not necessarily reflect those of Sportskeeda.

Yes, someone finally said it. CM Punk should not win the 2020 Royal Rumble. If you are among the very few who agree with this statement, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. If, however, you read the title and clicked this article out of rage, I apologize in advance. Please bear with me as I try to back up my statement.

It's been well over a month since CM Punk made his surprising return to WWE programming, albeit as an analyst for FOX on WWE Backstage. While fans couldn't have been happier to see him back on their screens, the question on everyone's mind was - will we see him back inside the ring?

The Royal Rumble is right around the corner, and despite not being an active wrestler, Punk is one of the favorites to win it all. Many fans are even hitting Punk up on social media, asking about a potential return:

The former WWE Champion did reply and said that he will not be participating in the Royal Rumble. Instead, he'll talk about it on FOX.

That doesn't mean there's a zero percent chance of that happening, as WWE would want to keep his return a big surprise. The choice of CM Punk winning the Royal Rumble does sound interesting at first, but it comes with several demerits of its own. Let's take a look at five of them here.

#5 Too soon to make a return?

The news of CM Punk returning to WWE programming was easily one of the biggest surprises fans received this year. In one of his appearances on the show, Renee Young was quick to ask whether we'll ever see him back in the ring? Interestingly, 'The Straight Edge Superstar' didn't outright decline the chance of that happening, but mentioned how it would take time to build bridges.

If Punk does return at the Rumble, it would be an indication that things were clearly planned in advance by the company. The WWE Universe might think Punk returned because Vince McMahon offered him a Rumble victory and his long-desired WrestleMania main event. The fans could react negatively toward that, as Punk is supposed to be 'The Voice of the Voiceless,' and can't just sell out to Vince McMahon for his own benefit. CM Punk fans would expect him to be honest with them about a potential return. If you remember, he admitted to having to audition for WWE Backstage with FOX, so an obvious behind the scenes deal to return might rub some fans the wrong way.

Now don't get me wrong, I want him to return to the ring as much as any of you do, but let there be a proper reason that brings him back to the ring. I believe the bigger question is not when will CM Punk return, but what will cause him to come back to WWE.

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