
5 Reasons why having Brock Lesnar hold the Universal and UFC Title will ruin WWE

Brock Lesnar,
Will Brock Lesnar drop the Universal title at SummerSlam?

This can't be best for business.

According to The No Holds Barred Podcast this week, Brock Lesnar had a meeting with Vince McMahon to discuss the possibility of him working for UFC and WWE simultaneously. While it's not known what McMahon's thoughts were regarding the request, fans have right to be worried if WWE does decide to do something like this.

Interestingly enough, Lesnar also allegedly discussed the idea of him holding The Universal Title and UFC title simultaneously, which would be the first time in history that a superstar has achieved that goal. While that might seem like a feel-good story and great for Brock Lesnar, it also comes with a price that WWE might not be able to pay.

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With that being said and Brock Lesnar's contract with WWE supposedly being up at Summerslam, here are five reasons that Brock Lesnar holding The UFC and Universal title will ruin WWE. Keep in mind that all angles of this will be discussed, which means that this will offer different negatives and positives from different points of view will be discussed.

#5 Keeps him in the main event scene

WWE, Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns,
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in the main event title scene?

Let's be honest here.

Brock Lesnar is pretty much only in WWE for the money and he's not going to stick around if he isn't getting main event money and the main event spot. Unfortunately for The WWE Universe, that means WWE will be forced to either keep the title on Lesnar or have Lesnar chasing the title, which is a huge injustice for stars that have been waiting in the wings.

Of course, Lesnar doesn't always have to have a main event slot, but its believed that part of the discussion was holding The Universal Title and UFC title simultaneously. Not only is that a bad idea for reasons that will be discussed later, it also keeps Lesnar in the main event, which is not what WWE needs right now.

Screw the legitimacy argue that will again be discussed later, WWE needs to move forward and cristen either Roman Reigns, Bruan Strowman or Kevin Owens as the their next top guy. In fact, the longer they keep the title on Lesnar, the more WWE actively chooses whats great for their image versus whats great for their fans.

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