5 reasons why Kane should win the Universal Championship at the Royal Rumble

The Universal Title match this Sunday night will be a triple threat match that sees current champion Brock Lesnar put his title on the line against Braun Strowman and Kane. For the entirety of this feud, everybody has counted Kane out as the third wheel in this scenario - the guy who is only there to eat the pinfall so that both Brock and Braun are protected. What if that doesn’t end up being the case? What if Kane becomes the fifth Universal Champion?
It seems like an extremely unlikely outcome, but if it happens, it could lead to some interesting developments on the road to Wrestlemania.
#5 It would be completely shocking

As I said above, I am fairly sure that absolutely nobody expects to see Kane become the new Universal Champion. It’s likely that nobody thinks he even has a chance, with it being about a 60-40 split between Lesnar and Strowman and about 95-5 chance that one of them will win the match by pinning Kane.
But what if they go a completely different way? Who in the world would expect Kane to win? It would be an absolutely shocking moment. Not shocking like when Lesnar defeated The Undertaker - nothing of that magnitude - but the WWE Universe would not see this one coming. Remember, though, that Braun Strowman has yet to earn a definitive victory over Kane. The reason there’s a triple threat match is specifically because the two men fought each other for a shot at Brock Lesnar and neither man was declared the winner, and due to their sheer brutality, they were both rewarded with a title shot.
Kane is supposed to be just another stepping stone for Strowman, another legendary giant for him to bulldoze just like he did the Big Show a few months ago. That hasn’t happened yet, so why not go even further with it and make Kane the legendary giant champion that he has to bulldoze?