
5 reasons why Roman Reigns isn't and won't be like John Cena

Why won’t the Big Dog end up being like the leader of the Cenation?

One professes hustle, loyalty, and respect, and the other describes himself as ‘The Guy.' One is the leader of the Cenation, while the other has a Roman Empire. For as many differences as John Cena and Roman Reigns have, they have the distinction of being the two most polarising figures in WWE.

In recent years, Cena hasn't wrestled as actively as in the past because of various commitments outside the ring. However, from around 2005 until today, he has received his share of both cheers and jeers. In a much shorter time frame, Roman Reigns has faced a similar response from the WWE Universe.

After debuting with The Shield, Reigns was a detested heel like the rest of the faction, then beloved by fans upon the group's face turn. However, after the splitting of the group, and several booking decisions that have made him appear in a different light, Reigns has faced a mixed chorus of jeers and cheers.

We don't believe Reigns will be like Cena, as their characters are different, however similar the reasons for the response they receive may be. Here are five reasons why Roman Reigns won't be like John Cena.

#5 The fans won't look past his booking

Among the biggest criticisms facing Reigns hasn’t even been his fault

John Cena has often used the line ‘Don't bring a knife to a gun fight'. For as much criticism as he has received for being ‘indestructible,' he can verbally spar with anyone and has always possessed this skill. He also works tirelessly in the ring, doing everything he can to make himself the most engaging and hard-working talent on the roster. His booking has clearly made him a fan favourite for kids around the world.

For Roman Reigns, his look and skills are clearly evident. While he may not possess a vast array of moves, that doesn't mean he isn't capable of doing different things. Cena appears to have been given some freedom to add different nuances to his move set, which is a freedom that Reigns may not have.

His moves need to appear big, and the intent is getting a major reaction upon impact. The problem is, some fans can't get past his booking to see how tireless he works to make himself the best second-generation talent today. That may change, but that doesn't appear to be the case right now.

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