
5 reasons why The Shield is one of the greatest factions of all-time

One of the greatest factions of all-time, no doubt about it
One of the greatest factions of all-time, no doubt about it

The Shield has easily been one of the most popular factions in the history of the WWE and can easily be grouped with the likes of Evolution, D-Generation X, and maybe even the nWo and The Four Horsemen. So, you get it. They were kind of a big deal and now they're back together.

The trio of Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns have reunited for yet another run as The Hounds of Justice and their popularity hasn't died on even remotely in the three and a half years since they broke up the first time around. That's because they are one of the greatest stables in the history of the WWE.

So, without any further ado, here is our list of 5 reasons why The Shield is one of the greatest factions of all-time:

#5) They became popular in an era without big factions

The Shield
Their entry on the roster was a treat for the fans

If you ask people when factions were most popular in the WWE, they will most likely point you to the Attitude Era where the likes of D-Generation X, The Corporation, and The Ministry of Darkness ruled the roost. It was easy to get a group of guys over during that time.

But, when The Shield came to power, there weren't any real big groups that had succeeded. This era has seen the likes of The Nexus fail miserably despite a strong start but Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns ensured they didn't fall victims to the same circumstances.

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