
5 reasons why Vince McMahon is reportedly "stopping" scripted promos

Vince McMahon and Triple H argue as Stephanie watches on
Vince McMahon and Triple H argue as Stephanie watches on

One of the biggest criticisms that WWE has received over the past few years, particularly from ex-creative writers, ex-superstars and legends of the industry is that they've taken the route of overly-scripting promos.

This, in the opinion of many, including fans, has reduced the overall quality of the product and more importantly, has restricted a lot of superstars from shining. Ever wondered why your favourite NXT superstar thrived on the yellow brand yet was made to cut awkward promos on the main roster? The overly-scripted nature of things and the rule of needing to recite a script word-to-word certainly played a large part in all of it.

There are only a few superstars who are allowed to cut promos by just looking at bullet points rather than repeating it verbatim. These are the superstars like Kevin Owens and perhaps Samoa Joe - stars who are well-versed in the art of cutting promos.

According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE has recently changed this and given superstars such as Rey Mysterio, Sasha Banks and Bayley the opportunity to cut promos which are "non-scripted" and simply follow bullet points. Here are five reasons why WWE might be making this change.

#5. Late realization that they're better off without it

Vince McMahon backstage
Vince McMahon backstage

Sometimes, it's better late than never. There is a misconception that Vince McMahon isn't open too ideas. The opposite, is in fact, true. Vince McMahon happens to be very open to ideas, sometimes even too much for his or the company's own good.

In this kind of a situation, he was likely made aware of it by a backstage figure or began to realize that the company's product is better off without these overly-scripted promos. If not now, then when?

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