
5 reasons why Vince McMahon won't let Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins lose their titles at Extreme Rules 

The Man and her man
The Man and her man

A few weeks ago at Stomping Grounds, Baron Corbin revealed that Lacey Evans is the special guest referee in his match against Seth Rollins and as we expected, Becky Lynch came to save her man during the bout and helped him retain his title. Then, WWE booked a mixed tag team match between Corbin and Evans vs Rollins and Lynch with a "Winner Takes All" stipulation which means that either both championships will change hands at the same time or not.

While we don't know who is going to win this match, the circumstances say that Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans aren't going to win titles soon. And here are 5 reasons why Vince McMahon doesn't want the Universal and Raw Women's Championship to change hands at this upcoming pay-per-view. 

#5 The match is just booked to end these two rivalries

What could happen at Extreme Rules?
What could happen at Extreme Rules?

A lot of fans will agree that WWE is stretching these two rivalries a lot. We have already seen so much of Lynch-Evans and Rollins-Corbin on television that the fans are no longer interested in seeing these Superstars tussling it out. The fans are also angry over the fact that Corbin is continuously receiving title shots while other talented Superstars aren't receiving opportunities.

Lacey Evans has recently joined the main roster and her first feud is against The Man, which is also not fair. Many talented females are sitting in the locker room and WWE doesn't have a proper storyline for them. Since Paul Heyman is in-charge of Monday Night Raw, he may want to put an end to these two rivalries, considering it isn't benefiting anyone. 

If that's the case then there's no point doing a title change. Lynch and Rollins have already defeated Evans and Corbin before and at Extreme Rules, they can do it again and end their rivalries. 

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