
5 reasons why WWE needs to officially end The Shield reunion right now

The Shield, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose
The Shield standing tall after delivering a Triple Powerbomb

The Shield might be one of the greatest factions in modern day history, but, they are also not immune to the highs and lows that accompany WWE superstars throughout their careers. Unfortunately for The Shield, who reunited for the first time in two years back in October, they have struggled greatly since then and things only seem to be getting worse by the day.

With that being said, and the mind-boggling bad luck that has followed the Shield over the past few months, here are five examples of why The Shield reunion is an absolute disaster and should be stopped immediately. As always please be sure to leave a comment below telling us if you agree or disagree and why.

#5 Not like the original

WWE might have finally got The Hounds of justice back together and even did it in a very interesting and unpredictable way, but they also took away many of the aspects that made The Shield such a hit in the beginning. For example, everything from entering through the crowd to even appearing together only happened half the time.

Of course, some of this is due to other things that will be on this list, but WWE has also had many chances to bring all three members of the group out like they use to and they just didn't. Unfortunately for The WWE, that was the original aura of The Shield. A group that was a unit and would always accompany and protect each other in a match.

For some reason, however, WWE decided that wasn't as important as trying to sell fans on half backed nostalgia that only works if it existed in its own bubble. Sure, they have the vests, they have the entrance them, but they are definitely nowhere near The Shield that The WWE Universe originally saw.

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