
5 reasons why WWE should reunite 3MB

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Slater, Mahal, and McIntyre looked drastically different 4 years ago

In WWE, 2017 was the year of tournaments, revolutionary women's matches, tag team wrestling, dream matches, and NXT arguably outshining the main product. 2017 was also, unfortunately, the year that Jinder Mahal was granted a 170-day reign as WWE Champion.

On the bright side Drew McIntyre returned to WWE and reigned as NXT Champion for 91 days.

2018 could be primed to be the year of 3MB. The new look 3MB is a faction that fans have been clamouring for since they saw the impressive new physiques of Mahal and McIntyre. Here are 5 reasons why WWE should get the band back together.

#5 They have transformed into superstars

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McIntyre didn't climb the mountain in NXT, he is "The Bloody Mountain!"

During their initial run with the company as a group, 3MB was booked horrendously, but their gimmick did them no favours. Coming out in aviators, black leather tights and chaps, and long hair. Slater, Mahal, and McIntyre looked like a group of teenagers trying to be a band, practising in their garage, while getting beat down by the cool kids and jocks.

3MB was jobbed out to any and everybody and used as comedic relief. They lost to Big Show, Mark Henry, and other giants in 3-on-2 and 3-on-1 handicap matches that should have been in their favour. Jinder Mahal, a now former WWE Champion, even lost to El Torito, Los Matadores 4'5" mascot.

Looking at Mahal and McIntyre now though, they look like completely different people. It is as if they gave up on being a band, left WWE, hit puberty, and returned as forces to be reckoned with.

Lately, on Raw, Rhyno has been trying to "toughen up" Heath Slater by putting him in matches against giants, where he's been squashed. What Slater needs to do is start hitting the gym with his former stablemates so they can re-shape him in their image. McIntyre even addressed this in an episode of Talk is Jericho, when he said that he was waiting for Slater to "get jacked".

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