
5 reasons why WWE shouldn't unify the men's titlesĀ 

Should WWE unify their top titles?
Should WWE unify their top titles?

WWE teased unifying The Universal and WWE Titles on Monday Night Raw this week, but the match was interrupted by The Bar, who were looking for a fight. With that being said, however, Seth Rollins told Kofi Kingston that they would finish their business later and then turned their attention to The Bar.

Unfortunately for The WWE Universe, that means that unifying the men's titles is going to start becoming a theme as the weeks move on and the company will eventually have to decide between whether to keep the belts on Kingston or have their white-hot babyface Seth Rollins hold all the gold.

All in all, it's a very sticky situation for WWE and could even be a worse scenario, depending on how officials try to tackle this. In the end, here are five reasons why WWE shouldn't unify the men's main titles and what effects it will have on the company in the future if they decide to.

#5 The possibility of overly teasing fans

What if The WWE Universe is just a victim of a big bait and switch?
What if The WWE Universe is just a victim of a big bait and switch?

Let's be honest here.

WWE is screwed no matter how they play this, but one of the worst things the company can do is make title unification a big part of storylines moving forward and then ultimately not deliver on it. In fact, it would probably be a situation that would make a lot of fans angry at the overall product and leave in disgust.

Beyond that, it is absolutely awful that WWE can't keep two main title pictures going at the same time on different shows. Sure, some will argue that The Universal title is tainted anyway after such a long run with Brock Lesnar, but does that really mean that the company just gives up on it?

Whether WWE ultimately decides to do this is up to them and will probably depend on what they have planned going forward, but it really sucks for the fans that could be pulled along for the unsatisfying ride in the process.

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