
5 reasons WWE should take a break after WrestleMania 36

Vince McMahon has a big decision to make and it could have long term effects on WWE.
Vince McMahon has a big decision to make and it could have long term effects on WWE.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article belong to the writer and don't necessarily represent Sportskeeda's stand.

Rumors are starting to circulate about WWE shutting down programming after the conclusion of WrestleMania 36 and it honestly doesn't sound like a bad idea. In fact, with the stay at home order issued by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the company still trying to figure out ways to involve fans more, it might be better to take a break.

Of course, that decision is ultimately up to WWE and what they find to be best for business, but here are five reasons why they should take a break after WrestleMania 36. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us what you think some of the drawbacks would be of shutting down WWE for a while.

#5. Adds to the importance of WrestleMania 36

Shutting down could bring a whole new level of meaning to WrestleMania 36
Shutting down could bring a whole new level of meaning to WrestleMania 36

The last show of the year?

While that most likely won't be the case when it comes to this year's WrestleMania, having this be the last show for a while gives the event an added sense of importance. Add to that the fact that it's WrestleMania and many of the company's top belts are up for grabs and you have a great cliff hanger to work with.

Think about it! WWE could shock The WWE Universe over the course of the two night WrestleMania event and leave them begging for more. The genius part is, however, that there won't be more. The show will go off for a while and leave fans with a hankering to see what happens next.

In the end, this is a powerful tool at the company's disposal and the company should really look into using it. In fact, not only would it go a long way in adding to the importance of the two night WrestleMania event, but it also creates a situation where WWE fans can start to ease up on their resentment.

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