
5 reasons WWE shouldn't give up on Ricochet

WWE can't give up on a Superstar like Ricochet.
WWE can't give up on a Superstar like Ricochet.

Ricochet got absolutely squashed in his match against Brock Lesnar at Super Showdown and WWE decided to follow that up by having him lose to Riddick Moss the next week on Raw. If nothing else, this has left the high-flyer in uncharted territory and has created doubt about his future on Monday Night RAW.

With that being said and rumors floating of Vince McMahon having no direction for Ricochet going forward, here are five reasons why the company should not give up on him! As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us if you think WWE should give up on Ricochet or not.

#5 Low morale

How does Ricochet recover from this?
How does Ricochet recover from this?

Ricochet has done everything in his power to rise up the ranks and become one of the company's top guys, but it almost seems like it didn't matter. In fact, with the way that Brock Lesnar disposed of him with one swat out of the air, a few German suplexes and an F-5 that the company had little interest in this match at all.

The company followed that up with Ricochet taking a clean loss the next night on RAW, which was just a huge momentum killer for the former United States Champion. It's almost as if the company has looked past Ricochet's superstar like qualities and just see an enhancement talent at this point in time.

The problem with this is that Ricochet is not an enhancement talent and has been working to the best of his abilities these last couple of months. WIth that being said, all that being for nothing is an absolute morale killer and has to have Ricochet second guessing his spot on Monday Night RAW's roster.

In the end, a guy can only be pushed down so much before giving up and the company really needs to avoid bringing Ricochet to that point .Either that, or just have another guy with remarkable talent wasting away at the bottom of the totem pole.

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