
5 reasons WWE is using NXT Superstars as a live audience

WWE finally has an audience again!
WWE finally has an audience again!

WWE announced before Monday Night Raw this week that the company would have a live audience again and they ended up delivering on that promise quite well. Of course, they had to substitute an actual audience with NXT Superstars that were standing six feet away from each other, but having crowd noise again was just so refreshing to hear.

Not only did it give WWE the energy that it had been lacking for two months now, it also helped to hint at where the company was going with several storylines. If nothing else, it was exactly what the company needed right now and will go a long way in helping both brands going forward.

With that being said and an audience now apart of WWE programming again, here are five reasons the company made this change. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us what you think of the company finally having some sort of live audience again.

#5 Something to feed off

Kevin Owens took full advantage of the live crowd
Kevin Owens took full advantage of the live crowd

There's something to be said about the energy a live audience creates in any sort of arena and that is exactly what has been missing from WWE. Now, WWE originally tried to make up for not having a live crowd by taping shows and removing the seating sections from The Performance Center, but are now embracing live crowds again.

Of course it's really NXT Superstars standing socially distanced away from each other, but it does at least create a needed sense of energy in the building. Beyond that, it has really helped make matches and even segments seem much more natural, which is going to benefit the company in the long run.

In the end, WWE isn't like most sports. It absolutely needs a crowd to play off of and while they did decently without them, they are much better off with crowd noise. In fact, it almost makes it feel like everything is back to normal again and you can finally tell what kind of narrative WWE is trying to shape.

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