
5 Sensible decisions the WWE has to make during the upcoming draft

It is all but decided that Balor will debut during the draft

The upcoming draft on July 19 is a way for the WWE to take some sensible decisions and invigorate the product that has become kind of stale of late. If WWE misses out this opportunity then it would take one more year for a suitable time to appear to deal with these problems.

With the current product, there are few sensible decisions WWE has to make in order to keep the product fresh and exciting to watch. We all know that there are few stale things occurring in WWE right now and there are also few great things that are working in WWE right now. Keeping these in mind, it would be best for business if WWE utilizes the upcoming draft to keep things fresh.

Here are few such decisions that WWE should take.

#5 Split up Owens and Zayn

You can’t have them on the same brand and not expect them to rip each other’s throat apart

Though Zayn-Owens is an interesting combination to keep banking on, it is very evident that the feud is going to bore the WWE universe soon.

Let’s face it. Every week on Raw, Zayn and Owens are at each other’s throat in one form or another. The amazing performances these superstars put in to make it interesting day in and day out deserves standing ovation in my opinion. For the better part of this year, these men have been feuding and making it interesting too. The best part about this whole situation is that WWE has not even elevated the level of the feud.

But, like the old saying goes, all good things will end. If WWE doesn’t put an end to this, the repetition will put an end to this feud. With that being said, it is hard to imagine Zayn and Ownes in the same brand without going at each other’s throat.

On the other hand,  by splitting them, WWE can ensure that the feud lives on. Both Superstars can grow independently without hindering the other’s progress on different brands. Later on, after two years or so, they could come face to face and renew their rivalry. 

Imagine a Zayn vs Owens fight main eventing WrestleMania folks, that is what I am talking about. But, for that to happen, WWE has to split them up first.

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