
5 shocking decisions WWE made on Raw and SmackDown Live this week

Another reunion?
Another reunion?

The Raw and SmackDown Live episodes after Elimination Chamber both needed to get past the events of the Elimination Chamber and look ahead to Fastlane 2019. As we are now in WrestleMania season where everything with regards to booking of matches and building up those matches for the big event has to happen in such a short time frame, there is no room for wasting time.

But as usual, Monday Night Raw did not heed any of that wisdom, as WWE put on a repetitive showing on Raw this week which saw the fans in attendance literally fall off to sleep. And even though the NXT call ups were expected to get the fans on their feet, and have them screaming as loud as they possibly could, it was not happening.

WWE might not realize, but the casual fans that come to their shows know little to nothing about Ricochet's high flying ability and the awesome rivalry between Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa.

SmackDown Live was obviously the savior of WWE this week once again, as the blue brand's creative managed to book a match card that outdid anything Raw has done in the last year, as there were advancements in storylines, awesome matches, and so many matches booked for the next event.

But if there was one thing Raw and SmackDown Live had in common this week, it was the shocking decisions WWE just kept on making, so let us go through those decisions and see how they will affect ongoing narratives in the future.

#1 Dean Ambrose gets squashed

No going away party for Ambrose from the looks of things
No going away party for Ambrose from the looks of things

Dean Ambrose, if there was a name more popular among WWE fans in 2014 than Dean Ambrose, please comment it down below. After The Shield had split in 2014, the world was ready to see the chaos Ambrose was going to cause, as he had been teasing his wild side for quite some time, but we were yet to see it.

When WWE gave us the almost unhinged version of Ambrose we all wanted to see, fans ate it up, as Ambrose was on fire, some even dubbed him the next Stone Cold, but a few years later - here we are discussing how WWE will book the man on his exit from the company.

It's so funny how things change in wrestling, as many of you will remember the Shield ripping 3MB to shreds back in the day, and now the former 3MB member, Drew McIntyre, is squashing the leader of The Shield.

Everyone knew Ambrose's departure from the company was not going to be a bed of roses. We are not sure whether WWE is still working us or not, but it was truly shocking to see Ambrose get in the ring with McIntyre and get flattened in a matter of minutes.

This is a former WWE Champion (if that still means anything these days), a man we expected to revolutionize Raw with his heel turn, now getting battered by Drew McIntyre. Well, at least it was McIntyre doing the squashing instead of another 3MB member.

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