
5 signs that Becky Lynch's contract being up is a work 

What is WWE trying to pull here?
What is WWE trying to pull here?

Becky Lynch and WWE have let it be known that The Man's contract is set to expire soon, which has left fans to wonder if it's true or not. If it is, how could WWE let arguably their biggest entity slip right out of their hands? If it is not real, however, what could the company have planned going forward in regard to Lynch?

With that being said and the details of Becky Lynch's contract status still unknown, here are five signs that this is all a work! As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us where you think WWE is going to go next with this storyline.

#5. No real reason to leave

What real reason does Becky Lynch have for leaving WWE?
What real reason does Becky Lynch have for leaving WWE?

What reason does Becky Lynch have to leave WWE?

No, seriously, between winning the 2019 Royal Rumble, main eventing WrestleMania 35, and carrying the Raw Women's Title for several months, what reason does Lynch have to leave WWE? It's not like she has aired any grievances with the company or has been held down creatively, which would be valid reasons for wanting to leave.

With that being said, however, none of that information exists to the best of anyone's knowledge and that's why there is little reason to believe that Lynch would even want to leave. Think about it! Why would she leave the place that made her a star? Furthermore, why would WWE let their most popular entity slip through their fingers?

Maybe if Lynch had been held back creatively or had her Championship run ended prematurely there would be some reason to believe all this, but none of that exists. Interestingly enough, however, there is some reason to believe that WWE is doing this to set something up down the line.

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