
5 Signs That The Shield Will Split Up Soon

How long before WWE chooses to break up The Shield?
How long before WWE chooses to break up The Shield?

The Shield's day's are numbered.

Of course The WWE Universe probably already knows that, especially since no storyline can last forever, but fans are still wondering when exactly WWE will pull the plug on The Shield reunion.

In fact, with the various swerves WWE threw into the six man tag team main event Monday night, one has to wonder if it will happen much sooner than originally expected.

While a lot of rumors are stating that The WWE isn't planning to break up The Shield until Survivor Series in November, some of the things that unfolded on The October 8th episode of Monday Night Raw seem to point to it happening sooner.

In the end, that might just be a prediction, but it is going to be backed up with facts and statistics to help prove the point.

With that being said and a short time between now and Survivor Series, here are five signs that The Shield will be breaking up soon. As always, let us know what your thoughts are in the comments below and also let us know what signs you have seen that show The Shield breaking up sooner rather than later.

#5 Braun Strowman's Team Showing Cracks

Is Drew McIntyre about to split from Ziggler and Strowman?
Is Drew McIntyre about to split from Ziggler and Strowman?

Believe it or not, one of the biggest signs of the impending Shield split is the fact that Braun Strowman's group is starting to show cracks in their armour. Fans were treated to witness those first cracks on The August 8th episode of Raw, where Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre got into an argument.

Things only got worse during the main event six man tag team match later that night when Strowman and McIntyre started arguing. This of course allowed The Shield to gain the upper hand for a short time, which just shows how distracted Strowman's group is by each other.

With that being said, once Braun Strowman's group dissipates, WWE has two options. The first one would be to create a similar three member superstar group to take on The Shield, or they could just move forward with The Shield split up.

In the end, with no other three man factions to speak of after their battle with Strowman, it's likely that when Strowman's team starts to crumble, so will The Shield.

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