
5 signs the Lana/Bobby Lashley storyline is actually a success 

What's the point of this storyline between Bobby Lashley, Lana, and Rusev?
What's the point of this storyline between Bobby Lashley, Lana, and Rusev?

Is WWE's love triangle between Lana, Rusev, and Bobby Lashley (and... well, just wait...) actually working?

While it might not seem like it, especially since a vocal minority have been trashing the segments online, there are quite a few other factors that they seem to be overlooking for some reason.

Now, this doesn't mean The WWE Universe isn't entitled to their opinion, or that their opinion of the storyline is even wrong, but everyone's tastes are different. This is why it is pretty much up to outside factors to determine whether a storyline is successful or not and not just a vocal minority of angry fans.

With that being said and The Lana/Rusev storyline clearly being far from over, here are five signs that the storyline has actually been a huge success so far. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us whether you think the storyline has been successful so far or not.

#5. Making Bobby Lashley Relevant

All eyes are on Bobby Lashley right now!
All eyes are on Bobby Lashley right now!

Bobby Lashley hasn't done much of note during his latest stint in WWE, but the company finally seems interested in changing that. It also seems like they're interested in keeping Lana and Lashley as an item for the foreseeable future, which should more than make up for his dry personality.

That way, Lana can generate massive heat for Lashley and WWE can hide his weakness on the microphone. Of course it's going to be nothing compared to what WWE did with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman, but it should have a similar effect if implemented the right way.

In the end, Lashley has needed a mouthpiece after losing Lio Rush, and Lana seems to be his best option. It also seems like this will help Lashley finally reach the upper card on Monday Night Raw and eventually work his way into the title picture.

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