
5 signs this will be The Fiend's only Universal Championship run

The Fiend continues to haunt the WWE Universe
The Fiend continues to haunt the WWE Universe

There are very few fans that you'll find who don't absolutely love The Fiend Bray Wyatt. The split personality gimmick that he's been parading around with since the weeks following WrestleMania 35 has done wonders for his trajectory, with Wyatt firmly establishing himself as one of the biggest stars of his generation.

He currently holds the Universal Championship and as we look ahead to the future, it's interesting to contemplate what Bray will go on to do in WWE - which is saying something, given how much he's already achieved.

We tend to believe that this could be the one and only time he holds the title, and we've got more than a few reasons as to why we think that.

Sure, we could be proven wrong in a big way by the time Bray's career comes to an end, and we're willing to take that risk (alongside the possibility of us having to "let him in").

#1 Custom title

The Fiend has his own special creation
The Fiend has his own special creation

Regardless of what you may think or feel about the custom Universal Championship belt that Bray Wyatt has had made for The Fiend, there's no denying the fact that it grabs your attention.

However, we can't imagine they'd do all of this if he was going to hold the belt multiple times in the future. We know that long-term booking isn't a key strength for WWE, but there is definitely a feeling that this is a 'one and done' if only because WWE probably wouldn't introduce this title back into the mix again, much like Daniel Bryan's custom title from last year.

The Fiend is the sort of monster character that should drift into the darkness for a while after being defeated, and we think that's what will happen, taking the custom title with him.

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